It was announced last night at SpikeTV's VGA ceremony that EA developers BioWare, would be heading up the development for the new Command & Conquer game. The game will be set in the C&C Generals universe, providing a sequel to one of the highest regarded games in the C&C franchise.
Not much is currently known about what the game's mechanics will be like, although a new trailer was shown at the award ceremony. It was announced that the game would be using the Frostbite 2 engine, which is the engine currently employed by Battlefield 3 (developed by EA's Swedish developers DICE).
Despite this exciting announcement there has been much scepticism at EA's decision to have BioWare produce the game, who are more suited to creating RPGs than real-time strategy games. Fans of the franchise are wary of what will become of the game, now it has left the core design team that first created C&C (Westwood Studios who are now EA Los Angeles).
The game is destined to be released in 2013.
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