Tuesday, 20 December 2011

CCP details DUST dropsuits

Everyone who has ever played EVE Online, will know a ship in EVE isn't just one type of ship, it's like LEGO with a billion different parts. Well it looks like DUST 514 is going to run down the same path with Dropsuits, as detailed in a post in the PS3 blog by CCP.

Like the ships, each suit will have it's own powergrid and CPU, with each having it's own 'cap' per suit type, coupled with that will be slots given for weapons (Heavy, Light and Sidearm), Equipment and Grenade slots. Secondly each suit will be fitted with several high and low module slots, for those non-EVE players out there these are normally slots that give stats boosts to the character, weapons fitted or even change them all together.

Prepare to throw the cookie cutter classes out the window with this one.

Source: PS3 Blog


I like the looks of this and the idea's behind it that it effects the eve online in game ecconimy as well as its own effects, am hoping there is a single player part to this but one can only hope as for the dropsuit's working similure to the ships in eve this could prove intresting, and hopefully you get more thourt then playing Cod with there perks.

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