Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Doctor Who: Worlds in Time goes into 'preview' mode

If your fill of Doctor Who wasn't already at crazy levels due to the Christmas special out in a handful of days, prepare to enter the rabbit hole that is Doctor Who: Worlds in Time, which has entered 'preview mode' in which the game is playable but features will be changed and added before release, sounds like a beta to me.

Many of you may be asking 'What is Worlds in Time?' It happens to be the series first venture into the MMORPG market (yet not it's first game, that even pre-dates Moffet's attempts in 2010/11) done by the nice people at Three Rings (the Puzzle Pirates and Spiral Knights guys) and the BBC. 

In this version time has 'exploded' and bits of it are now crystal form within pockets of time, which these pockets of time are now changed yet frozen forever unless the time crystals are collected and restored to normal time. Try wrapping your head around that, even the Doctor gives up trying to explain and just throws you (who has only just picked you up in the TARDIS), into these new time lines to collect the crystals and restore order to time.

You are not alone you will be teamed with other players and/or AI in collecting everything in micro episodes played out in real time and in true Three Rings style every action be it reprogramming a computer, picking locks, reversing the polarity or fighting off Daleks is done via completing puzzles either with your team or each player tackling each problem on the screen at the same time.

It's going to be on the watch list for 2012 that is for sure


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