Legendary game designer Tim Schafer, recently stated in an interview with the online magazine Digital Spy, that he had pitched the idea of crafting a sequel to his unique-platformer Psychonauts. Schafer stated that when pitching the idea to publishers, that they had taken no interest in giving him money to create a game.
After expressing his fustration in the interview, Notch (developer of the indie hit Minecraft) tweeted Schafer over twitter yesterday and said: "Let's make Psychonauts 2 happen." After which there was an explosion of discussion on Reddit, on whether Notch was actually being sincere about the statement.
What we know is that the prospect of two developers, coming together to create a project cooperatively, is a very interesting one given the successes of Minecraft and Psychonauts. It will be very interesting to see how this story unfolds, and if we will see a Double Fine/ Mojang game released in future.
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