Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Oops they did it again.

Hacking major games developers seems to be the new cracking the pentagon for many out there this past year. We've seen Sony hacked multiple times, Nintendo, Sega, Epic games and even our beloved Bethesda and Bio-Ware. Now the latest target is Steam. Many of you may have noticed things have been acting a bit funny for the past 24 hours and the forums are 'under maintenance' yup, hacked.

Valve have yet to give any official statement yet, but luckily for us, a Reddit user  managed to get a screenshot of the forums before they were taken offline. Apparently many Steam users were also emailed the same blurb.  weather or not any account details have been taken are unclear at this time.

Follow on for the picture

Not too clear, but it reads; "Ever wanted to dominate the servers you play on with guaranteed results, but you were too afraid to cheat because of ban risks? Visit ****** It's safe, secure and undetected. etc etc"

Now's a good a time to change your passwords (and make sure you use different ones on different sites) and make sure you have your SteamGuard active - just to be sure: Once we hear anything more we'll get right back to you lovely lot.

Question is though; Are online gaming or digital distribution sites safe anymore?


I bet it's really embarrassing for them when these types of screenshots get out before they're willing to admit being hacked.

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