Total Biscuit just announced over Twitter and the Teamliquid forums, a showmatch between two of the best UK Starcraft players EG.DeMusliM and Dignitas.BlinG, in what is the highest value online match in Starcraft 2 history.
Here is the direct rip of the post from the Teamliquid forums:
Introducing, the highest value online showmatch yet in Starcraft 2, with a prizepool totalling over $1500 in which we will find out the answer to a question that has been plaguing mankind for at least like 10 months or so.Source: Teamliquid
Who is the best British Starcraft 2 player?
When? - Monday, 30th January 2012 1900 GMT[local]
Format - Best of 9, loser picks
Map-pool - Daybreak, Shattered Temple (no gold), Metalopolis (no gold), Cloud Kingdom, Taldarim Altar, Shakuras Plateau, Entombed Valley, Bel'shir Beach, Antiga Shipyard (no gold)
Prizepool - We have decided to give out the prize in Pounds Sterling. For those wondering, this is at the current exchange rate, about $1560.
EG, Dignitas and Cynicalbrit have worked closely to bring you a setup which both players are happy with and a showmatch that you will not soon forget.
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