During my daily visits to Reddit, I noticed something that piqued my interest. I am a huge sucker for pay-what-you-want indie bundles, e.g. Indie Royale, Humble Bundle, Indie Gala, and I noticed an image showing what could be in a future Indie Royale. I've found out about many indie bundles before they were released, due to the community posting results from looking at their Steam registry.
I found an image showing someone looking at a future set of Indie Royale games that looks to be legitimate. It seems like the Indie Royale is going to have a Serious Sam bundle soon. The image hints at the inclusion of both of the original episodes and the two recent spin-offs, Double D and The Random Encounter. I'm not sure if these are the HD revisions of First and Second Encounter, but the content IDs point to the older versions of the game. Regardless, they are fantastic games and I strongly encourage anybody who enjoys classic style shooters to pick them up.
According to the Indie Royale website, I predict the bundle will launch in 5 weeks (as of writing) since a “??? Bundle” is being planned for then. Yeah, I hate waiting that long to get my indie fix, so some good news is that there is a Valentine's Bundle planned to launch in 2 weeks. Unfortunately, I have no clue what could be included in this bundle.
I have to thank Redditor Erniecz for posting the image in question.
Also on the note of indie bundles, there is a new one out that fans of LucasArts adventure games will love. The AGS Bake Sale went live on January 20th putting 14 indie adventure games in a pay-what-you-want package, with all proceeds going to Child's Play. The bundle does have a $1.50 minimum price tag, but that's probably just to pay for the costs of transactions. Nobody can fault the company for having a minimum charge, because it always kills me when people pay a penny to get indie bundles, as it takes money from them.
Anyway, this bundle contains the following games:
- 9 Months In by Tzachs, Noavana, and gameboy
- Abner The Amazing by poc301 and LocotusOfBored
- Barn Runner: The Rich Dame Who Cut The Cheese by Ponch
- Ben Chandler, Paranormal Investigator – In Search Of The Sweets Tin by Grundislav
- Entrapment by Lightbulb Games
- Escape The Barn by Cat
- Falling Skywards by ThreeOhFour
- Fragment by Kaputnik and ThreeOhFour
- Indiana Rodent and the Raiders Of The Lost Cheeseby Crystal by Crystal Shard Games
- The Rail by Technocrat
- RAM Ghost by Ghost
- Red Volition by Richard Hofmeier
- Retina by Dualnames
- Zombie Attack by ShiverMeSideways
You can find out more about this bundle and purchase it at the official website.
And for my last indie bundle, I am going to mention Reddit's own bundle they are coming up with. It is called the GameDev Bundle and is being marketed towards Redditors. There aren't many details about it quite yet, but I felt it would be good to at least introduce it. One thing I do know about it is that all of the games will be made by people on Reddit. So, it should be chock full of new indie goodies.
For more information concerning this interesting bundle, why don't you visit the new website?
That's all for Going Viral this week, be sure to check out the other content we have for you at CTD aswell as checking out our Facebook and Twitter pages.
UPDATE: The Indie Royale Serious Sam Lightning Bundle just launched. It turns out it was a bundle that wasn't being revealed to the community until launch. What a pleasant surprise for today. Go to the official website of the Indie Royale to purchase the bundle!
For more information concerning this interesting bundle, why don't you visit the new website?
That's all for Going Viral this week, be sure to check out the other content we have for you at CTD aswell as checking out our Facebook and Twitter pages.
UPDATE: The Indie Royale Serious Sam Lightning Bundle just launched. It turns out it was a bundle that wasn't being revealed to the community until launch. What a pleasant surprise for today. Go to the official website of the Indie Royale to purchase the bundle!
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