After a much deserved Christmas holiday, we are back to pulverise your sense's with the wrecking ball of today's gaming. There are many things in the pipeline at Crash To Desktop, so watch this space!
As it stands it's back to business as usual, which for us includes serving you all the news, reviews and previews you can digest, as well as the very best UK event coverage. You may have noticed a donate button has materialised on right hand side. In order to continue providing you with the very best content, we need to fund the site hosting costs, competition prizes, event travel arrangements, etc. So if you like this website feel free to buy us a beer, it will help us in many ways, and will allow us to become even better!
We don't want to travel the ad supprted route yet, as we believe that it will provide a better experience for our readers in the meantime, to stay ad free. This however doesn't mean we won't shift to being ad supported in the future, if we believe it won't impact the reading experience detrimentally. We believe that the revenue stream from the advertisements at this stage, won't be very beneficial, and will impede our community's expansion.
We appreciate any comments, emails or suggestions, and hope we can make 2012 even better for CTD and you our valued reader.