Tuesday, 3 April 2012

April Fooled

Sunday marked the first of April, which as we all know is April Fools Day, which for gamers and news outlets is normally hell in trying to figure out what is real is what isn't.

Here is just two samples of this years chaos.

Assassin's Creed Kinect almost was convincing enough to be a sales pitch on an idea that could become very real in the future expect showing us the downside of not having a large living room in the first place with some epic fails near the end - plus the 'Creed Wii' girl is definitely part of the bloodline with some very handy customised 'hidden blade' Wii remotes.

IGN has brought us masterful work of the original Zelda Movie trailer, but leads us to a whole new level of 80s style cheese in the form of the Mass Effect cartoon - Omi-Guitars really? Ah well at leasts it's better then He-man


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