Monday, 31 October 2011

G3 Radio Invites you to a 4 vs 4 TF2 Tournament

Station manager over at G3 Radio, Dru, has ended up with 4 games to give away via Steam – the games are, CogsAchronNimbus,  and A.R.E.S: Extinction Agenda. To win these collection of games what you need to do is find 3 friends to join you in G3 Radio's Team Fortress 2 Tournament hosted on their TF2 server.

You have two weeks to send your team name, you and your friend's Steam IDs, and emails to contact you to

During the week leading up to the Insomnia event, i44 (that is the 13th to the 20th of November), they shall hold the tournament with hopefully the final hosted during the i44 event itself - Myself and Fatal will also be at the event getting coverage for both sites from i44, and possibly provided the servers don't crash footage from the final TF2 game as well, just because we are nice


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