Monday, 26 September 2011

League Of Legends: Dominion released!

After what seems to be an eternity the general public finally has full access to Dominion, the new game mode coming to League Of Legends. With over a year in the making, Dominion has to be the largest expansion yet attempted on the title, so what does this entail?

Well for one thing player are treated to a whole new map known as The Crystal Scar - whereby players battle it out for control over 5 control points, accumulating points better possession. From my time in the Beta for it I must say its pretty entertaining, with fast and furious matches which allow for spectacular last minute comebacks. The problem is (as always) in the balance, and how it requires a different playstyle from the traditional DotA type game with more aggressive team based co-ordination.

I doubt many people will complain however, as its a much needed distraction from the repeditive nature of standard League Of Legends matches, which only contains two maps.

Marcus never played Zelda

Why a giant gold chicken? We really should be asking the same question to Epic seeing as easter eggs have been cropping up all over YouTube for Gears of War 3 - This one in particular happens in the first act on the deck of the ship where by tapping X next to all 4 open vents pops out a chicken on the last one, shooting the chicken results in a 'reverse BBQ'. Watch the video below to see this in action.

This second clip from Gamefront takes it to a whole new level with 'The Cluckshot', whats next a Unicorn firing rainbow lasers out of it's... oh right thats already been done too.

Hands On: Ridge Racer Unbounded

All I remember of Ridge Racer was the old arcade days, little did I know that it's now in it's eight incarnation with Ridge Racer Unbounded. Continue to read on to find out what happened with our hands on experience at GAMEfest.

The Old Republic Release Dates Announced!

Just announced today on the official blog is the release date and subscription prices for The Old Republic. It seems the title is confirmed for release a mere 3 days before Christmas in European territories, on the 22nd of December 2011 (whilst North America gets it on the 20th).

This is obviously a move to take advantage of the extremely profitable Christmas trade, but will releasing the game just days before the celebration be too late to capitalise on it fully?

Also confirmed in the announcement was that the subscription would cost:

  • 1 Month Subscription: $14.99 (£8.99/€12.99)
  • 3 Month Subscription: $13.99 per month (one-time charge of $41.97/£25.17/€35.97)
  • 6 Month Subscription: $12.99 per month (one-time charge of $77.94/£46.14/€65.94)
Seems pretty standard fare to me, but I wonder how early people with Pre-Orders will get to access to the game?


Street Fighter X Tekken - First impressions

After an exhausting weekend which encompassed the preparation and attendance of Game's successful first convention GAMEfest and the birthday of yours truly, I have for you here the first of our event content. Over the course of the next two weeks we'll be rolling out some exciting impressions, previews and photos of our time at GAMEfest, including a roundup of our experience there.

DOTA 2 pushed forward

Valve have resently stated that DOTA 2 will be releasing eariler then planned due to 'fan support' depite original plans to release with content and hero numbers on par with DOTA.

Icefrog has also stated the game will be still on a 'invite only' basis however it is still unclear if the game itself will follow it's competitors in their free to play model


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