After what seems to be an eternity the general public finally has full access to Dominion, the new game mode coming to League Of Legends. With over a year in the making, Dominion has to be the largest expansion yet attempted on the title, so what does this entail?
Well for one thing player are treated to a whole new map known as The Crystal Scar - whereby players battle it out for control over 5 control points, accumulating points better possession. From my time in the Beta for it I must say its pretty entertaining, with fast and furious matches which allow for spectacular last minute comebacks. The problem is (as always) in the balance, and how it requires a different playstyle from the traditional DotA type game with more aggressive team based co-ordination.
I doubt many people will complain however, as its a much needed distraction from the repeditive nature of standard League Of Legends matches, which only contains two maps.