Sunday 6 April 2014

First Impressions: Alien Isolation

As a very young child I have grown up watching the Alien movies, so being an avid fan of the alien series I have been expecting great things from the gaming industry. There are some titles worthy of the alien franchise such as Alien Trilogy and Alien Resurrection for the Sony PlayStation; unfortunately these classic 3D titles are the closest things to the movies you will get. There are a few spin-offs that looked quite promising, but ultimately failed to meet standards that the hardcore alien fans expected.

Monday 15 July 2013

Martian Manhunter delivers justice in Injustice

J'onn J'onzz AKA The Martian Manhunter has been announced during the Evo 2013 tournament in Las Vegas as NetherRealm's fifth DLC character for Injustice: Gods Among Us.

Manhunter is one of the most requested characters by the fans to date, and from the trailer (found below) he seems to be voiced by none other then Carl Lumbly, the voice actor for J'onn in the Justice League TV series. Also in the trailer reveals a new skin for the Green Lantern, that of John Stewart, who featured along side J'onn in the TV series. John seems to be voiced by Phil LaMarr his series voice actor, who also voices Aquaman in Injustice.

If NeverRealm are doing a Justice League run of DLC, Doctor Fate? Maybe? Please?

Release dates, prices and if this DLC will be included in the season pass are unknown at this point, however here is the trailer below

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Square Enix cooks up a storm with Lightning Returns Cloud Strife based DLC

Square Enix announced today that there is a new pre-order bonus for Lightning Returns, the third game in the Final Fantasy XIII series, based on Final Fantasy VII's lead character Cloud Strife.

The package includes the SOLDIER 1st Class Uniform and Soldier Band as equipment, including the iconic Buster Sword as Lightning's weapon. Not only that also included is Cloud's victory pose and for the first time in the XIII series the classic Final Fantasy victory fanfare, Square Enix's official trailer can be found below.

Friday 28 June 2013

The Rezzed Report 2013

In an industry such as gaming, it’s surprising how often things can change and surprise you. In the past few years we have seen whole segments of the gaming industry rise and fall, with indie gaming most notably emerging as a dominant force. At no other point since the twilight of games development in the 70’s, have we seen such a prominence of “bedroom coders”. Is it any wonder when titles such as Minecraft (which recently hit 11 million sales) and Super Meat Boy (which has sold over a million copies) have captured the gamer’s attention, even managing to outperform some publisher backed blockbusters?

So if indie games are really such a big thing why don’t we see more at expos? Better yet, why don’t they have their own specialised events? This is what RockPaperShotgun and Eurogamer aims to address with the follow up to their indie focused event – Rezzed 2013.

Friday 14 June 2013

First Impressions: Tekken Revolution

Tekken Revolution is Namco Bandai's free to play fighter now released as a PS3 exclusive. This comes completely out of the blue as it was only announced last week, and confirmed it's launch at E3 a few days ago. However this is not the first venture into free to play Namco have taken as the rock, paper, scissors styled Tekken Card Tournament was released not too long ago.

Revolution unlike Card Tournament is a fully working brawler with a roster of 12 characters, 4 of which need to be unlocked. The game itself is probably one of the best sounding and looking Tekkens to date, with stylized menu backgrounds, flashy character intros (cheesey voice acting can be forgiven), and full HD combat arenas. Even the combat has been tweaked a little with certain moves blurring the character when moving to highlight the speed of the actions. The character selection screen also highlights key moves for each of the characters, giving the little bit of feedback so even new players can understand the basics behind each character's combat style.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

New Warhammer 40K MMO announced

The ashes of THQ still burn hot for many gamers, none as much as the Warhammer 40k fanbase; who lost their hope at a series of 40k based titles from the publisher. One title that got axed with the closure of THQ included the multi-faction MMORPG Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millennium, created by Darksiders creators, Vigil Games.

Hope returns today as Games Workshop and Behaviour Interactive announce Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade, a third person MMORPG set to be released currently at the end of 2015. Not much is known at the moment, but by heading to the Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade website you will see the site is on the first of 9 phases, with the press release found below.
Montreal, 10th June, 2013 – Behaviour Interactive and Games Workshop® proudly announce a new online game in the Warhammer® 40,000® universe: Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade. Behaviour Interactive has obtained the rights to create a wholly new MMORPG persistent war experience for PC, PS4 and Xbox One set in Games Workshop’s universe of the 41st Millennium. In the game, players choose aWarhammer 40,000® race and fight directly as one of their warriors in massive conflicts for territory. It will be up to each faction’s community to determine their own destiny as they vie for control of an entire planet.
The developer Behaviour Interactive is known for creating a host of cartoon/movie tie in titles as well as the games Wet and Naughty Bear.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Blizzard re-spawns Spawning into Starcraft 2

Blizzard has reintroduced a very old friend back into the Starcraft fold, a process known as 'Spawning'. What this was is players were able to boot up a copy of Starcraft 1 on their PCs after their friend had on their PC with the same CD - hence giving a 'free' version of the game to their friend while they play.

Just announced Blizzard has brought back this process to Starcraft 2 in the form of allowing members of the party to freely 'upgrade' to the highest level expansion that a member of the party currently has. For example a player with the Starter Edition (found free on itself) can party with a player with the current Zerg expansion Heart of the Swarm, both players then are classed as 'owning' HotS as long as they remained partied.

Doing this will unlock Multiplayer (ranked and unranked), all custom game maps, Vs. AI and the Arcade in the highest level of content the party members have, those with the Starter Edition will only be able to play the race currently playable in that version (at time of writing that is Terrain), and have limited access to social features, for example Clans are locked out to those not currently owning HotS. However the limit of players allowed to do this is the current party cap, thus 14 of your friends can benefit from your purchase.

To celebrate this new feature, Blizzard have added a new Achievement and Portrait to the game for players Spawning in new players or are the ones being Spawned at this current time. The release date of this is right now, however globally it may take until the end of the day to become active in your area.

For the full information watch the following Youtube video below the divide.


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